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Believers Victory With Pastor D. Chetty

Believers Chat Room was created in 2012 with Pastor David Chetty as my guest and became my inspiration to capture a Special Moment of Wisdom shared with me by Pastor David Chetty. The story of Pastor David Chetty is very compelling and inspirational to listen to. How The Spirit of Christ finds its way around us to save our lost souls. When I met Pastor Chetty, I was very impressed and touched by how he comes across when you have a conversation with him.
He is soft-spoken and extremely humble and anyone can relate to him. Most importantly he is so accommodating and very welcoming. You gain a deep spiritual insight and knowledge of love and kindness when you are around him. One thing I have learned from him which is my honest witness, is his listening skills and the ability to pay attention and how he takes interest in you during a conversation. I'm not surprised God chose him for this purpose which most people lack as a human quality.

The ability to shut up, keep quiet and listen when someone talks with you is not only a gift, but rather a special talent. The only person I have learnt to appreciate with deep respect and companionship;  when you are with him he gives you a sense of dignity as an audience. His cell phone will be on silent when his eyes are on you talking. This is the quality I truly admired and wish to develop and still love about Mr. David Chetty.

The Power To Serve Others Can Only Come From GOD.
His wife Mrs. Chetty is an absolute trust worthy co-pilot an Angel and the powerhouse if not a pillar behind the Pastors warmth, kindness and leadership prowess. Mr and Mrs Chetty have special qualities I admire in a couple and are the role models our society should hunger to emulate and copy. I am truly blessed to be their close family acquaintance. The Pastor once invited me to his birthday and that's when I realized how much love and support Mrs. Chetty and their children have expressed towards Pastor David Chetty 's role as a father and husband.
 Pastor Chetty's Birthday
Dedan Chetty's Speech Honoring His Father
The Believers Chat Room was inspired by Pastor D. Chettys' story of his encounters with the miracle of God and how this experience changed his life. It was intended to be a vehicle of hope to guide us in the right direction of the life of serving The Christ in all of us.
Pastor Chetty received his calling around the period in 2012, when I met him and he was willing to allow me to make this video. I was so thrilled and excited by his story that I could not contain myself. But I deeply wanted to share this once-in-a-life-time "opportunity" encounters with you readers.

SA Marriage Anniversary Awards and Celebrations Association Purpose
Maybe creating this Association to award and honour married couples is an excuse to promote society's well-being through efforts and the work done by Pastor David Chetty's Church together with his wife. It is humbling and an honour to associate and be friends with the Chetty Family. May The Spirit of Christ and the love of God grace them with eternal happiness, strength, endless love not to mention prosperity and wealth to keep our communities, families enriched with their contribution to society to keep our families together and alive. They are the pillar which every community must have and appreciate. I consider myself blessed to know them and be invited to his birthday in 2017.

This article and the video is a message for personal self realization and miraculous encounters with God!  The Holy Spirit, the Christ or the Almighty, whatever you want to call it, a close encounters with the Creator, if you wish. It is for people who want to share their inner connection with a higher power and have surrendered their will to it.

If you are in pain suffering from a long illness, lost a job, experienced hardship, or going through tough challenging personal problems. Know that you are not alone. Pastor David Chettys' experience and talk will give you hope that God is alive and taking care of each one of us.
 Pastor David Chetty
Humanities Search For Spiritual Identity
You are not alone this message brings hope to those who have given up on His promise. Faith is the spirit of Love reflected in your trials and dreams to conquer adversity. God is the ladder upon which we are able to climb any mountain to prove to us that the Son of God is the path we should all follow so that we can be saved in the end.

Define Your Own Survival Rules
We too are humans and have similar problems we encounter each and every day. Life is not about a curse rather each one has a lesson to learn and impart to us observers. We share common pain and suffering because we don't understand God’s Grace His divine plan or wisdom. Believers Chat Room will pass your message on to our viewers, so that we can each heal from these lessons.

That means every time you wake up in the morning you bring showers and blessings to your thirsty fellow men. Do not give up on sharing and praying for answers. It heals those who are listening to you and this video will shed light to those who are ready to learn from complexities we go through as individual human-beings.

Episode 1 – 
This is before Pastor David Chetty received a calling to work for God and bring Gods sheep to the holy spirit.
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If you want prayers and blessings I think you can visit and find out how you can participate and access Pastor David Chetty's sermons in Lenasia Ext 4. Pastor David Chetty is always receiving people to his church in Lenasia Extension 4. Please feel free to contact him directly at Lenasia Ext  4. May God bless all those married couples who are going through hardships to never give up their vows and commitment in marriage.

May God also bless those couples who have been together for long to display strength and resilience of positive leadership and bravery by taking  care of their families and friends during hardships and tribulations. To hold high the touch of hope in guiding and praying for light to shine on all South Africans who need help. All comments are welcome.

isaac khonjelwayo
Life Coach & Consultant

Do You Need Prayer or Counseling Contact?
Pastor David Chetty on 071 058 9315 or visit him at: 
Lion of Judah Foundation 5619 Giant Castle Street, Lenasia South Ext 


  1. Thank U Isaac, truly appreciate this gesture. I pray and hope that this msg will bring hope into someones life. I can bee contacted for prayer or counselling on 071 058 9315 or you welcome to visit us at Lion of Judah Foundation 5619 Giant Castle Street, Lenasia South Ext 4


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