We are in the process of compiling a 2019 Yearbook for couples who have been married from 3 years to 60 years. In honour of these couples' marriage milestones and achievements, we will be offering prize awards and gifts as a token of leadership and family responsibility . We also want to put together a program to help our youth with Life Skills coaching workshops to teach them how to handle and deal with issues of love and respect for women and girls. We want our young people to learn new coping skills to deal with peer pressure and how to become better citizens. To honour these married couples as heroes and heroins who show good leaderships traits we first would like to openly invite a minimum of 100 couples per province to take part. If you know of someone who is interested they can register by filing out the "Contact Form" on the control panel button above. The criteria to do this will be the following. Selection Criteria Be willing to take part in the comp...
We are a South African Marriages Anniversary Celebrations & Awards Association wishing to assist couples stay in marriage for the sake of LOVE. "What God has joined together let no man put asunder". We want to honour long lasting marriages that lasted from 3 years to 65 years with gifts, Certificates of Achievements, Diplomas and honorary Degrees of recognition. All South African race groups are welcome!