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Your First 5 Years Marriage Honeymoon Story

Tell Us About Your Honeymoon Encounters
Anyone who is alive and are able to read and write should at least leave something behind like a legacy when they depart from this world. This subject is about the zest and life you've lived and your experience as a youth, juvenile until adulthood. What can you teach the world - something they don't know and maybe your story can change someone's life?

There is a lot you can tell about the journey of your ups and downs. It is all about your personal awareness to your existence and the most important role you have played or have yet to play or ignore in your life to deserve a publishing contract. Yes! who knows the might be a publisher out there waiting to hear your story and print your book! Take a chance and do it- You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

You Only Live Once - Do It Now
Many of us will never make an attempt to tell their story while alive and ticking; simply because they think writing a book needs a special talent or a magic wand to warrant receiving an accolade.

This is not true, the myth that you need to be “special and talented” is just another fallacy to make you think your story is less important to you or us potential readers of your benevolent tale. Your story might be more than what you can expect to change the world and those who read your story. Think about it the "Harry Potter" series of J. K. Rowling?

Writing a book is no where difficult than it is learning a new skill. Like riding a bicycle or learning how to drive or cook delicious family meals. Everything in life is and has a learning curve and acquiring new skills requires a little more effort and time before one can master it as an art. Yes! Some people are more gifted and talented in writing excellent successful books than others. But this depends on which book genre one needs to exploit to discover their true calling. You need to come out of your comfort zone and make a change, the world needs your input. How many more excuses will it take to get of your laurels and do it?

Why You Can't Write Is A Negative State Of Your Mind
Or we can debate this issue to try and help you find an excuse “why you can’t write” which leaves you with one option. Pretend you’re not alive and history will not remember who you were amongst people who walked this earth. Trust me if you try you can do it. You just need to be bold and brave. Any person willing to try writing as a career or hobby can become a successful full-time well paid reputable author. If given a chance and the opportunity to try it out without being judgmental about it.

Those that are born with any special skills to write and tell outstanding stories or display impeccable reporting ability for writing articles without exerting much effort are one in a million. Others like me have to learn this skill from ground up. This is purely because I want to explore new horizons of the unknown creative territories hidden in my mind and to push the limits, of my writing emotional resources to power up those who need inspiration to live on.

Pass Knowledge To The New Generation
Maybe writing a book is not about you and your marriage honeymoon funny tales and strange episodes. You might want to leave something behind for your children or grand children. The new generation will learn this from anthropology, archeology, religious and spiritual sciences and other teachings. Past writers and historians were passionate and able to preserve their knowledge through books and tablets. Moses had the 10 commandments written on two Tablets and Mohamed had the Quran, Tao by Laozi, the old and new testaments by various writers etc.
Your Latent Gift  Is Waiting For You To Do Something
On the other hand, one cannot dismiss the fact that everyone has some latent kind of a skill greater than others. E.g. if you’re not good at sports, maybe you are good at writing and reporting an incident in the form of a book. How about talking your life into a recording tape or cell phone if you think writing is cumbersome. Taking small steps daily and planning your book will be much easier. If you're shy and traumatize to do it alone, just organize a group of 6 people I will arrange a writing class for two days to show you how easy it can be done without trying to pull a tooth out of a fairy.

Whereas, on the overall scale of things those with basic literacy reading and writing abilities can improve it to become masters of the craft after years of experience and practice within their chosen discipline. Visit resources here:

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