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S.A. Society Needs New Men & Women To Build & Celebrate Family Values

Since the inception of our democracy; South Africans especially Black Folks, have taken everything for granted and over exaggerated their rights to a point of total delirium and care "less-ness". We have assumed titles of social media stupor to think our ignorance of privileges are in a perfect state of blissfulness. However, deserve all kinds of entitlements offered by  The S.A. Constitution. Including rights to step on the toes of those whose rights have been silenced and trampled on by bullying. And other wrongful human behavioral tactics. 

Men have lost their ability to protect their children, wives, sons and daughters against abuse. To e.g. condemn unwritten laws of "African Black-Magic" and "Witchcraft" used by in-laws to try separate couples - Who love one another in a marriage that was ordained by God. Let alone unconditionally love and respect for their spiritual connection to come together. 

Few women; if  any - are willing to step up to the plate to even support and nurture struggling businesses initiated by their husbands, unreservedly, or vice verse.  To mutually thrive in building their family wealth through blessings bestowed by God. I'm willing to take polygamy across racial boundaries as part of my exploratory journey to research the mystery behind couples power of love. Openly in a  mutual negotiated agreement in "Seeking Sister Wife". 

What has happened to this idiom "Behind Every Successful Man - There's A Woman?" Our youth don't appreciate their partners nor do both partners comprehend the spiritual significance of what love and life is about! - Every time they embark on an affair, women in particular assume total rights to demand love instead of seek it & receive it - to embrace it, in its totality. To let it reveal itself to them in small portions. That's how you assimilate something BIG like love. In small quantities, instead of  just wanting to take a one big bite. You'll choke and suffocate in the glory of its refulgence and splendor. - Especially if you we're not ready or initiated to let it enter your system in gradual doses of streams.

You can call it "Single & Mingle" or "Date My Family". Consequently everything in our relationships revolves around "wanting" to take something from the opposite sex.  Instead of learning to appreciate "giving" and receiving to reciprocate the encounters. To allow ourselves- discover the potential this love can bring to the table, when it opens up like an umbrella.

No one seems to treat a relationship as a symbol of symbiotic transaction, ordered by divine Angels to execute Gods' restitution of ying and yang . Where each person or potential partner will appreciate the relations ingredients and the future value each one is willing and prepared to bring in it. Perhaps make it even flourish as an investment portfolio, for years to come! To contribute to a successful growth of a stable relationship is a serious fulltime occupation. This requires self introspection to even know or understand who you really are in the mind of a prefect stranger. 

South African Marriages Anniversary Celebrations Wishes To Honour, Celebrate & Award Prizes of Recognition To Long Lasting Marriages- FROM 3 Yrs To 65 Year Relationships. Interested Couples are Invited To Become Members of Our Association for This Purpose. Inquire Via Our Contact Form on This Site.
Three Weeks Dating Dinner Or 90 Days Dating - 
Will Not Cut It In Finding True Love...
A "good-long-lasting" relationship can only flourish and be discovered when everyone in it thrives on giving and receiving. It should also be seen as a two way street. Where mutual beneficiations of gifts and compliments from  both parties are acknowledged, tested, approval is meted with fairness and positive reception. - If not due respect, diligence and loving care, to set the tone of building a strong foundation and frame of moving forward to commit and walk the talk.  

A journey of exploration to assess the strength and the weaknesses of each partner, should become a yardstick to measure its merits and quality of acceptance. Only time can tell or strengthen people who truly love each other. There are no quick fixes in a relationship. And there is no such a thing as a perfect partner. Nor is there such a thing as finding a "Soulmate".

Ten (10) Blessed Reasons Why God - Brings Two People Together In Marriage...
Marriage is more than just a journey were two people are willing to sacrifice and travel a path that is filled with life's ups & downs of unprecedented problems and challenges.
  1. It is a mountain that needs to be climbed by brave explorers who believe in life's unchartered territory of unpredictable relationships. To enjoy its magnificent view when they reach the top. 
  2. It should be embraced by brave couples who are willing to face and confront realty head on. And not the facade of its fictitious reflections. 
  3. It is not for the faint-hearted cowards who thrive on "easy-come easy-go" way out of  responsibility. 
  4. Marriage is a tricky constitution that binds two people like glue.- To prove that two heads are better than one. Travelling life alone gives one a single perspective over its 360 degree view. It confines one to a parallel tunnel vision without giving alternative options to problem solving.
  5. Marriage is a place were couples bury their ego and differences to work and capitalize on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. 
  6. Like a scale it balances our sanity to put on a brave face in our attempts to conquer the world, even if our knees are shaking and our confidence trembles with fear. 
  7. To put aside our gender status quo in negotiating the middle of the road to find an amicable common ground, in unifying our collective efforts. 
  8. Marriage is not only a complicate issue, like the Solar Systems. It is a system with lots of sophisticated tissues; of two souls that need to reconcile and acknowledge their spiritual evolution. 
  9. Where  only two people can maneuver stormy weathers to find a perfect place of abode to raise a healthy united family. 
  10. Yet! discover the treasure chest that contains the true mystery of unboxing their ultimate happiness. By accepting that their joint ribs in marriage; bear the potential to experience the untold joy of life's rewards.
God's Marriage Test Of Character On Couples Resilience & Flexibility To Work For Him...
Relationships of marriage is not a "One-Size-Fit-All" kind of commodity that comes from a lucky packet or magic box, nor can it be prescribed by a doctor, to guarantee happiness and financial security. One must approach it with caution and understanding. Without being too judgement about him or her. This is important in the beginning stages. No need to compare it to other people's standards placed by friends and media advertising campaigns. This will be a dangerous precedence and callous mistake that can destroy a relationship with potential, to succeed. I wish to dedicate this article to my spouse for celebrating our 45th year marriage anniversary on the 9th September 2021!

It was approached better with care as an equal opportunity entity. Where each one of us profited from our emotional, intellectual, financial and spiritual input to grow and become who we are today. This kind of engagement required both parties to nourish it (relationship) with patience. We saw it slowly grow from  infatuation to become what everyone calls LOVE

If the intension was to build it to grow beyond 10+ 20+ 30+ or even 40+  years of mountain climbing risks to break our bones and fall. We did so, with the grace of Gods love and protection. So be it. - And there it was. As if this journey was without rough terrains and riddled with potholes and bumps. It was not a walk in the park either. All I can say today; - is give a sigh of relief. It was a memorable worthwhile roller-coaster ride. With extreme kinks, turns and corners of untold oohs, eish and ahs filled with unexpected beatitudes. This revealed the might of God as the puppet master. We know he was in control, but were only responding to His strings as He pushed, pulled and tossed us around.

Good Family Values Are Paramount To The Survival Of Society! If Our Children Must Become Excellence Leaders
Social Media seems to dictate the terms of reference for falling in-love and out-of-love.  No one seems to know how to talk to each other face-to-face without their cell phone plugged-in and doing the talking on our behalf. Families no longer engage to sit around the table to have afternoon lunch or family dinners with friends. Too much emphasis is placing a bottle of wine or beer on the table as part of our new "adopted-white-people-lifestyle". Not surprising the rate of heart attacks and strokes are becoming Black people's new death determinants.

These occasions often happen in strange places we call "restaurants & night clubs", "special occasion parties". Not that there's anything wrong with these parties and celebrations or going out! I guess one persons idea of a party is another person concept of "self-indulgence" to dissolve domestic and personal problems. Will this not be at the risk of becoming addicted to a habit forming behaviour? Or lack of social skills or communication ability. To deal with issues facing our families and begin to tackle problems with a sober mind to defeat and fight the very weakness we have created in the first place?

Self-Management A Tool - For Self Discipline To Build Good Family Values

Everyone, seems to run on autopilot and assumes the world knows what they're thinking. Even if their brain were lost in a foreign country on the Internet. There is no more face-to-face human contact or interaction.

People and families have become cold as ice and act like robots without thinking to apply their minds objectively. No one seems to take care anymore, even if you're being mugged or robbed. Every body thinks being on Social Media and leaving empty distasteful comments, will earn them credits to win an Oscar. The author of this article is a man and would like to share his sentiments with the author who wrote this article below!

This Is The Reason Why - Men Pull Away
  • What went wrong after our democracy was institutionalized chaos of a deceptive sinister plan. By one man with a desire to control our minds and thoughts over our foolish observation in the use of  our common sense. 
  • How many people in our society remember the good "Old Days" and share this with their children and grand children?
  • Whence we  spent Sunday afternoons listening to Gene Ammons "The Boss Is Back" or "Stanley Turrentine" or Milt Jackson with MJQ?
  • Where it was safe to drive your car and parked it Without Locking It? Security was not an issue because we trusted and guarded each other's properties?
  • We sometimes went to the movies like "Starlight Cinema" near Kohinoor Records shop to watch movies. But in the evenings we went to "Planet" or Majestic cinemas for a special night outings.
  • How many remember going to the movies at night and you knew it was safe to take your partner to the "Drive-Inn" and have a "Dagwood" burger for a perfect night outings?                  
In marriage couples have an opportunity to share different points of views. We are not all standing and looking at life wearing the same glasses. Nor standing from the same vantage point to view the world  the way others want us to see it. Only God's view is above everyone else' view. No need to follow the crowd if God is carrying you on His shoulder. Would you still see life the same way the world does under Gods feet?

But, in marriage the game of relationships and life changes. It favours those who enter into it; to volunteer Gods work in exercising our flexibility during the process of experimenting with the order of creation.  Therefore, our society will need new men and women to take up these positions of  responsibility. In honour of God's work to perfect the world for the next generation to thrive on our experiences of trials and errors in our poor judgement to our existence. Being single has very limited divine perks for those who choose this curriculum. Here you'll explore tunnel digging careers the universe has stored for none risk takers.. 

Remain blessed!

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Isaac Khonjelwayo
Coach - Life Skills
Podcast -Producer
Author -  Artist


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