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Celebrating Marriage As A Sacred Union

We are a South African organization that wants to put together an Awards Ceremony to celebrate marriages that have lasted longer than expected. It is common knowledge that todays' marriages do not even last longer than 3 years.

In Recognition of those Couples who are still together in marriage to Fight Against a Bad Omen of  falling into a divorce trap. we S.A. Marriage Anniversary Awards Celebrations Association would like to formalize our association and invite interested couples to enroll and to participate in our program. There are benefits in this program.

"The part of the religious marriage ceremony that states God's authority over man".
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We invite all married couples to join our Association and to celebrate those who will be joined in the union of marriage. We want to honour those who have stayed and faced the challenges of marriage. From them we want to learn new lessons and to teach these new skills to young marriages that are just beginning - "how to cope with adversity in a marriage". Impart knowledge and share new information on "how to manage a successful marriage". To lead by example to teach our young to commit to a relationship and not become cowards.

We believe couples who stay long in marriage are role models which our society and the new generations should emulate. We believe we can learn and teach new lessons to our communities and the nation in order to Thank God. "For the divine match-making that was deliberately blessed with trials and tests to scope the strength of your character" and commitment of the couple to ordain them with credence to overcome.

In view of these recognitions we feel it is time we Crystallize This Vision into an act of kindness to call upon those who can prove it to come forward and be blessed with prizes and awards as a reward in the couples' journey to the next level.

Our society is fragmented and our cultures of respect are being challenged by technology and a breed of contaminated ideas from Social Media and a threat to couples to stay with one partner. We as South African Citizens need to keep our house in order and only married couples can help and assist bring order to this chaos. (Their wisdom and input can make a difference in the lives of those who have lost direction in life). Get Access Examples Here & Follow.

While our cultural values have been trampled upon by the new western cultures and values! Our South African societies' values is being thrown out the window to accommodate foreign ideology as a norm which conflicts with our African belief systems before Apartheid was conquered. - "UBUNTU" has become just another phrase which politicians use to campaign for position of power.

It is time we make corrections to this perception for our children. We need to teach our young who we are! What we believe in! What we aspired to be! and What we stand for as human beings to uphold our morality and justice for good citizenships? Even go further to document our humanity's new mission statement to correct errors we made in the past, of ignoring our children when they needed us.
 Learn to teach
Only this Association can become an ambassador of hope to steer this change in attitude when we celebrate and recognize our code of responsibility as a people who struggled to raise children. We struggled to fight Apartheid, We struggled to put food on the table, we struggle to keep the jobs where we are not respected and treated with dignity and respect. These struggles have gone unrecognized, by both our peers, society and corporate South African businesses, yet we have kept society sane, alive and intact.

Therefore, we want to commit ourselves as an organization to celebrate these couples. To honour them with a token of appreciation to have reached a certain milestone of their existence. To give the current and future generations a new lease on life to begin to dream as we honour married couples who unconditionally form pillars of our society.

To make the public aware of the sentiments of a marriage relationship. Why we absorbed the pain of  marriage burdens to overcome relationship obstacles! Yet managed to be shining lights on the dark battle fields of the human endeavor! To acknowledge with pride that...
With Every Pain We Incurred To Build Safe Homes -There Was A Lesson!With Every Marriage A Priest Bestowed Upon A Couple - God Was Always Present!
This journey of victory is something we should celebrate and honor with our best intentions to give back the glory which every other South African married couples deserves. This is how simple our Purpose Statement is to be.


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